Hati kering. Tabah. Kadang-kadang lembik. Tak pandai berenang. Dalam kepala ada batu bata. A single mommy. A first lane driver. Tak makan banyak, tak minum banyak. Ketagih. Hopeless romantic. Benci orang lembab. Suka polka dot. A part time student. Selalu stress. Selalu overjoy. Suka pantai.
2.Why my last relationship ended.
If I tell u guys this, I have to kill you guys. I hate killing a lot of people.
3.How i’d spend ten thousand bucks.
Backpacking to Europe.
4.What i want to be when i get older.
Business woman. A successful one.
5.Favourite place to shop at.
6.If you had to spend a day not using any technology, what would you do?
Reading books.
7.Favourite song of the moment.
Coldplay - Fix you
8.Concerts i've been to.
Letto. And it's not even a concert.
9.Last Awkward situation you were in.
Unexpected person confront me at unexpected time and place. Urgh.
10.Favorite football club.
Harimau Malaya. And it's not even a club.
11.What’s your sign?
12.Future names of your children.
Do I have to do this?
If its a boy, Rizqee.
And if its a girl, Anaqi.
13.What is your favorite flower?
Tulip and roses.
14.What is your relationship status?
15.A book you want to read/have recently read.
I recently read The Notebook.
16.What do you want to major in?
Human Resources.
17.Would you date an 18-year-old at the age you are now?
Nope. Too young. Tak kenal donia lagi.
18.Your reflection in the mirror
Terrible eye bags, messy eyeliner, fugly hair, chapped lips.
19.Things you like and dislike about yourself.
I like my smile, I hate my skins.
20.Who are you looking forward to seeing.
My one and only sayang in the whole world, Rayyan.
21.Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with.
Hariyani Muspat i guess.
22.Weird things you do when you're alone.
I don't do weird things alone.
23.Are you an organized person?
Yes but currently, no.
24.Your opinion on cheating on people
It happen. Everybody cheat. It ruins our life, literally. It happen all around us. Aku dah berada di ketiga-tiga tempat. Dah rasa bersalah, menipu dan sakit. It happen.
25.When was the last time you were nervous?
Yesterday. Meeting new people.
26.Do you consider yourself to be lazy?
Pemalas nombor dua. Selepas Hannani.
27.If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be?
28.What is your favorite form of exercise?
I hate it all.
29.At what age did you become an adult?
30.5 things you want/ need to buy.
New car, a comfy home, lodsa new shoes, a pair of comfy jeans and glass of ice-full light coke.