Tuesday, May 3, 2011

It's May. Oh sweet.

With only two freaking entry on April, it obviously shows that i have a very limited time to update my blogs, i mean for the time being lah. Kalau forever begini, ada baiknya aku close je akaun blogspot aku ni.

Hari ni aku update pon sebab, handphone tetinggal kat rumah, so the only entertainment that i have right now is updating my blog, if that can be considered as entertainment. Website lain sume gomen dah blocked. Hmmph. Kalau dah start pakai smartphone, kepala kau akan sangap jika ia tertinggal di rumah di waktu kerja.

9 hours without your phone can actually kills you slowly. You can't even feel it but you actually dying a little bit inside. Your skin started to feel itchy. Badan akan terasa gatal-gatal dan ruam mula kelihatan di bahagian yang tersorok. Muka akan ditumbuhi jerawat batu sebesar ibu jari dan.. dan.. Okay, overreacted. I know. I'm just bored.

I need to tweet to calm myself down.

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