Monday, December 13, 2010


OMK : Oh Mak Kau.

It's 13th December, my cheeky son buffday, and it's freaking Monday. Who celebrate kids buffday on Monday? Or even worst, a day before the actual date? Hehhh. Kalau kecil-kecilan untuk close family sementara menunggu next weekend untuk real celebration okaylah kan? Okay, okay.

And, sorry for the lack of posts. Lack of idea and time. It's 13th Dec, i supposed to have like 15 posts by now. Damn, this is just the second posts i'm typing and i don't even know what to type. Blank.

Still blank.

Ya, still.

Okay, I nak masuk tido sekarang.


merahitujambu said...

moga rayan dpt bg mama dia menantu yang baik yeee...=p

naya said...
